Products Catalogue
Quality Molded Plastics Ltd. manactures a variety of containers and containment products.Containment, Containers & Speciality

Quality Molded Plastics Ltd. manufactures a variety of containers and containment products including sump pits,planters, secondary containment trays, troughs and storage bins. QMP also manufactures a modular plastic dock, which can also be used for temporary walkways.
Select from the list below for details on our products.
Spill Trays
24″ x 36″ x 2″ |
27″ x 36″ x 2″ |
33″ x 48″ x 6″ |
32.25″ x 52″ x 1.75″ |
54″ x 84″ x 20″ |
Sump Pits
Shipping & Storage Bins
Planter Pots

Parts Catalogue
Quality Molded Plastics Ltd. manufactures a substantial line of tanks and containment products for resale through authorized retailers.
Quality Molded Plastics Ltd. has placed significant importance on product design and engineering. Quality Molded Plastics Ltd. has completely integrated engineering, design, lean manufacturing and mold fabrication services, providing our customers efficient and timely delivery of products and parts. Our mission is to develop and manufacture high quality, better engineered, innovative, rotationally molded products and components.