Our People. Quality Molded Plastics Ltd.
A division of Wilger Industries Ltd.Wilfred Wilger
Engineering Manager, P. Eng
This is a credential write-up for Wilfred.
Phone: (306) 242-4494
Fax: (306) 242-4122
Email: info@qmplastics.com

Sean Appleton
Engineering Manager, P. Eng
This is a credential write-up for Sean.
Phone: (306) 242-4494
Fax: (306) 242-4122
Email: info@qmplastics.com

Robert Hergott
President, P. Eng
This is a credential write-up for Robert.
Phone: (306) 242-4494
Fax: (306) 242-4122
Email: info@qmplastics.com

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Fast Forward to Present Day
The Mission
Quality Molded Plastics has exceeded the goals we set almost 3 decades ago. We’ve met our mission statement with confidence, and continue into 2022 with success and quality standards that keep our clients satisfied above and beyond their expectations.